Cross Cultural Solutions (CCS) Volunteer Abroad Experience

My very first entries on this blog began with my CCS experience in 2008 and I have continued to post my observations from travels since it ended. 

In retrospect, what I write about today has been strongly influenced by my volunteer placement in Microfinance!  In my current travels, I spend a considerable amount of time inquiring deeply about the underlying economies, cultures and political pressures that affect each new city-state and/or country I visit,  even as a tourist. Sometimes I joke to friends that CCS was the capstone of an 'International MBA', but in truth, the hands-on work has given me depth of insight that I could not achieve by simply reading and analyzing case studies from far away. Getting in at the ground level is key to truly understanding the pressures that drive businesses, politics and economies around the world. 

The following is a list of all blog entries from my Cross Cultural Solutions Experience in Tanzania, East Africa in 2008. While my time with CCS was short, I hope that these entries will give you a taste of what a CCS experience can be like and how it can impact not only your life but also the people you come in touch with now and tomorrow. 

In Happiness, Christina

Prepare for CCS (Volunteering Abroad) 


About my Volunteer placement

Chips04Where I'll be going and who i'll be working with

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